
To ensure that Yuan Garden Pasar Baru is accepted by public and provides a safe and comfortable stay to guests, the following rules need to be follow: Not abiding by these rules may lead to cancellation of stay and/or refusal to use the hotel facilities.
Further, if you happen to damage any equipment or fixtures inside the hotel premises, Yuan Garden Pasar Baru reserves a right to charge you the full cost of the same


  1. Do not light fire in the guest rooms for heating or cooking
  2. The prevent fire, refrain from smoking on bed, in non-smoking rooms, and in any other places prone to catch fire.
  3. Be careful not to move the articles in Yuan Garden Pasar Baru or guest rooms from their fixed places without permission
  4. Do not change the position of the gadgets and fixtures in Yuan Garden Pasar Baru or guest rooms without permission
Do not change the position of the gadgets and fixtures in Yuan Garden Pasar Baru or guest rooms without permission Contracts for accomodation and related agreements to be entered into between Yuan Garden Pasar Baru and the Guest to be accomodated shall be subject to these. Terms and Conditions. Any particulars not provided herein shall be governed by laws and regulations and/or generally accepted practices. If Yuan Garden Pasar Baru has entered into a special with the Guest in so far as such special contract does not violate laws and regulations and generally accepted practices the special contract shall take precedence over the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, not with standing the preceding Paragraph.
A Guests who intends to enter into an Accomodation Contract with the hotel shall notify the Hotel of the following particulars
A Guests who intends to enter into an Accomodation Contract with the hotel shall notify the Hotel of the following particulars